Sales Rep FAQs
Our customer service team fields many and varied questions on a daily basis. On a weekly or monthly basis we can see repeat questions; with that we thought we would start to compile them all here for you so that you can review and get the basics, and even beyond, addressed. If you are new or hire new staff, this is a great place to familiarize yourself with Cementex details.
Q: Do you have email aliases?
A: Yes, we have email aliases created and we hope to have you utilize them each and every time so that all team members can field questions. To submit orders please use, for quote requests send to, service related inquiries should go to, invoicing related inquiries should be directed to, and literature requests sent to
Q: Where do orders get sent?
A: Orders should be sent to our alias. We do request that you provide the email address for the buyer/purchaser on the PO so we can confirm to along with you, you will always be copied automatically as well.
Q: What should be send in for price and delivery requests?
A: We will always quote you, BUT you need to give us enough details to do so! Quantity will always be needed in order to provide lead time. For PPE Clothing we need to know calorie rating, clothing type (e.g., coat/pant, coverall, etc.) along with sizes. For gloves we need to know which class, length, color (if required) and size along with quantity (obviously). Again, always send to and not just to one person.
Q: Does Cementex have order minimums?
A: Yes, we do. They are typically either $100 for Masters or $200 for Authorized distributors. Please note that we do not waive minimums for orders requested with expedited freight charges/requests. We have a sliding scale minimum order fee that is applied to orders with the maximum being $25.
$100 Minimum (Master) | Amount | $200 Minimum (Stock/Authorized) | Amount | |
Under $75.00 | $25 | Under $175.00 | $25 | |
Between $75.01 – $80.00 | $20 | Between $175.01 – $180.00 | $20 | |
Between $80.01 – $85.00 | $15 | Between $180.01 – $185.00 | $15 | |
Between $85.01 – $90.00 | $10 | Between $185.01 – $190.00 | $10 | |
Between $90.01 – $99.99 | $5 | Between $190.01 – $199.99 | $5 |
Q: How do you know which level a customer is designated?
A: You should have a customer master listing. If you do not have a customer master listing or a current listing, please reach out to to request the customers that we have assigned to your sales agency as well as which discounts and benefits they receive. Keep in mind that it is your job to ensure that your distributors need to order inventory and maintain minimum annual sales and/or inventory of opening order requirements annually to retain their distributor agreement discounts, terms and other benefits.
Q: Where do I find pricing?
A: We have a distributor price file that we provide. It has all the distributor levels. As a reminder, please share these with your team but only your team as they have all of the distributor discounts on them. Distributors who require the file should be requested through and their correct file will be emailed directly to them as well. This helps us maintain who our pricing contacts need to be and to communicate changes as necessary.
We have been and will continue to send out the net price files to those who have requested them previously and as requested by you and when our office staff requests it. We add their emails to the price list notification. Current pricing is effective June 1, 2024.
Q: Is Cementex “Made in the USA”? What do I need to know? HERE’S THE SCOOP:
A: Cementex tools are always insulated in Burlington, NJ. From the perspective of exporting, we do enough transformation on products from the raw state that regardless to our finished products where the our 1000V rated insulated hand tools qualify as US origin. There is a distinction between the FTC and exporting. This is why we have modified our Made in the USA statement to be one that is “QUALIFIED” stating that our products are made with domestic and global components.
Since our inception, we have been waving the American flag at Cementex. We believe in utilizing quality American products, whenever and wherever possible. There are some products no longer manufactured in the USA based on mergers and acquisitions in the raw material space and this requires us to globally source some quality components in order to offer the widest depth and breadth of quality, American-labor manufactured ASTM F1505 voltage rated hand tools. Given the FTC’s focus on UNQUALIFIED statements implying all or virtually all components are US made is why we’ve qualified our statements and use of the flag to state “Made in the USA with domestic and global components and Always insulated in Burlington, NJ.”
Q: What is the VIP program all about?
A: The Cementex VIP program provides an opportunity to engage with you, our sales representatives, our customers and their end-users to be in the know about our innovative products. We share product knowledge, new items, safety tips and so much more! The sign-up is available on our website (there is a pop-up to click) or bookmark this link to share (VIP Access – Cementex ( We also will share customer-focused newsletters as well. The more we grow our VIP membership the greater for all of us as we are sharing brand awareness, brand knowledge and working to garner more market share.
Q: Voltage rating or Calorie rating, do I need to have/know both?
A: Voltage ratings are for rubber insulating items; calorie ratings are for PPE clothing items. There is no set calorie that equals a specific/minimum voltage rating or class and vice versa. There is not direct correlation of voltage/class that indicates a calorie rating or category. Important it is based on tasks and how it has been identified on an Arc Flash Warning Label. We/You/Your Distributor DO NOT tell someone what they should be wearing or using for a job – they need to tell us what they need.
Q: What does the 00, 0 or 2 mean on the end of clothing kits?
A: Clothing kits with 00, 0 or 2 have glove kits priced in the kit pricing. When ordering a kit with 00, 0 or 2 the numeric size of gloves* needed has to be provided. If there is a color requirement we need to know that as well. The kitted glove lines are a separate line item added to our order documentation as a kitted glove that is priced and included with the previous line.
You/your distributor do NOT have to order the kit with gloves. In fact, glove kits can always be added separately and must be done so if for class 1, 3 or 4 gloves are required.
Q: Gloves – what do I need to know?
A: Our glove part number is structured to communicate glove details. The part number is IGc-LL-XC. The c is for the class of glove, the LL is for length, X for size and C for color.
First thing is the class of glove which is determined by voltage rating:
Class 00 protects workers up to 500V AC and 750V DC
Class 0 protects workers up to 1,000V AC and 1,500V DC
Class 1 protects workers up to 7,500V AC and 11,250V DC
Class 2 protect workers up to 17,000V AC and 25,500V DC
Class 3 protects workers up to 26,500V AC and 39,750V DC
Class 4 protects workers up to 36,000V AC to 54,000V DC
Gloves come in different lengths based on the class. They come in different sizes: 7-12, we also offer some in half sizes and they would be identified with an H following the size. The last component would be the color of gloves. We offer Black (B), Red (R) and Yellow (Y). Please note, we do not offer all colors for every size. When no colors are not indicated on an order, we provide what we have readily available, most typically black.
*Gloves are sized in numeric sizing not S-XXL. Please review our glove sizing instructions to assist with getting the appropriate sizes ordered. There also is not correlation between someone’s shoe size and their glove size.
You can find more about rubber insulating gloves here and in our catalog. OSHA 1910.137 provides the Requirements for Rubber Goods and lastly you can learn about the Care and Use of Rubber Goods as well.
Q: Are Cementex Gloves Tested and Certified?
A: Cementex tests and stamps the test date on the gloves when we ship them. Per the requirements of Rubber Goods, they have a shelf life of 12 months, they must be issued by day 365 of when they tested. Once the gloves are issued into service, the six (6) month clock begins. This means that it is possible that even a glove that looks close to the retest date, it may not be the case. The end-user should document when they are actually placed in service for their safety records.
The glove date that is present next to the lot code is the date of manufacture (which will never change as it is stamped with permanent ink). This manufacture date has nothing to do with any standard, it simply provides the date of manufacture.
Also, maximum use voltage for both AC and DC is stamped on the gloves. See what our stamps look like.
Q: Does Cementex recertify gloves?
A: Yes, we do, and they can be any brand. The price covers all classes and lengths. Our updated form is always on our website, located toward the bottom. Our rubber insulating products testing form doubles as a packing slip. This form needs to be sent in with the gloves. Recertification orders should not be combined with orders for new material. It is important for customers to know that they should not fold, bend, wrap, band or over pack boxes as it may cause premature failures. It is incredibly important to stress that either PO Number and/or Credit Card must be identified on the form (a copy of the PO should be included with the shipment as well). We will NOT process your testing order without one or the other. Recertification services are completed prior to order entry; delays in providing us with any required details can result in additional fees for altering service dates on the rubber goods.
Q: Can a customer mark their gloves?
A: Yes, a Pentel marker or Sharpie is ok to use on the gloves. It is important to use a soft tip marker and any writing should be near the cuff of the glove to avoid any issues. DO NOT USE A FINE POINT MARKER. Our recommendation is a silver Sharpie for black gloves and black Sharpie for yellow or red gloves.
Q: How are any Cementex kits priced?
A: All Cementex kits, regardless of tools, PPE, gloves or any combination are priced as a list price of all components within the kit. It is a straight compilation of all list prices of the components in the bill of material. Our customer service team can easily provide you with a list of all components in any kit, please don’t hesitate to ask for that information should you need it. Note that for the PPE kits with gloves that those components for the gloves are listed separately as a KIGK or BPKIGK kit (this allows them to be priced with the kits including 00, 0 or 2). This also provides us the ability to maintain inventory accurately without having 21 or more kit combinations with glove class, size and color variations incorporated.
Q: How does Cementex offer its PPE Clothing and PPE Clothing Kits?
A: Any size determinator S, M, L, XL, 2X, 3X, 4X or 5X would be to define the size of the coat, pant or bib/pant or coverall in a clothing kit.
Clothing kits MAY be mixed and matched so a 2X coat and an XL part. Please note that prices may be different based on larger sizes. Typically, M-XL are one range, 2X-3X another and 4X-5X yet another. At times the S is priced with the M-XL and sometimes with the 2X-3X pricing. We always suggest a formal quote for these scenarios.
Q: What are the options for Cementex PPE Clothing Kits?
A: All of our standard PPE clothing kits are packaged in our large D-mouth shaped opening duffel bags. There are optional upgrades for storage options which are prefaced to the part number:
– Standard 12 cal coverall kit would be CFRCA12-XL
– to put this kit in a backpack, the part number would be BPK-CFRCA12-XL (BPK is the prefix to identify the backpack).
– to put this kit in an arc flash storage canister, the part number would be AFSC-CFRCA12-XL (AFSC is the prefix to identify the arc flash storage canister).
Here are a few things to know about our glove kit options with PPE Clothing Kits:
– if ordering gloves with a standard kit, the rubber insulating gloves and leather protectors will go in a canvas snap closure storage pouch and inside the duffel.
– backpacks that have gloves ordered with them will not get the canvas snap storage bag as there is a special pouch designed in the backpack for the rubber insulating gloves and the leather protectors.
– we do not recommend storing a rubber insulating glove kit in the arc flash storage canister
Q: How do you launder PPE garments?
A: All PPE garments have labels that indicate the specific laundering instructions which should always be adhered to, however, here is a Laundering Garment instructions that can be generically helpful. This can be found on the Resources > Literature portion of our website to share with customers/end-users.
Q: Do we have to get the tools with a PPE kit?
A: Most often the tool kit is our best-selling Basic Electrician’s kit, the TR-9ELK and it’s an optional add-on. Literally just a separate line item on a PO. However, there are two series of kits that do include the tool kit and these are already priced in there. Should your customer not wish to get the tools, you can request a quote without tools (WOT) or order it WOT and we will remove the tools from the bill of material and price it accordingly. Unfortunately the kit revisions WOT are unable to be priced and listed separately in the catalog.
Q: How do we correctly quote hot stick recertifications?
A: Telescoping units are quoted by section, whereas fixed length sticks are quoted per stick. Many customers are unaware of the difference in pricing, so they simply ask for the price for a hot stick.
Testing for fixed length/universal hot stick should utilize the part number CPT-HS and the part number should be CPT-THS for a telescoping hot stick.
Whenever a customer asks us the question, “How much is it to test a hot stick?”, ask them these questions:
– What kind of stick? Fixed length (universal), Clamp stick (a.k.a Shotgun Stick), or Telescoping?
– If it is Universal or Clamp stick, ask the length.
– If it is telescoping, simply tell them the price per section.
NOTE: There is a very good reason for this – many telescoping sticks can have lengths added to or removed from them. Just because a stick began its life as a 5-section for instance, it may now be a 7-section. Quote per section so no matter how many sections they have, they are covered.
Q: How do we correctly order remnant/linear lengths?
A: Cementex sells remnant or linear lengths of our Shielding Material and Switchboard Matting). To order correctly, the quantity should be the total number of feet required (the width of both the Shielding Material and Switchboard Matting is standard of 36″ wide). The COMMENTS on the line are used to define how it’s cut and the total number of pieces.
Below is an example of how the same line quantity can be commented out to be a different number of pieces determined by how the total remnant/linear feet need to be cut.
Line Quantity (Total # of Feet Required) | Line Comment (Defining Total Number of Pieces and how it’s cut) |
2 | 1 piece cut 24″ long x 36″ wide |
2 | 2 total pieces each cut 12″ long x 36″ wide |
2 | 3 total pieces each cut 8″ long x 36″ wide |
2 | 4 total pieces each cut 6″ long x 36″ wide |
Q: What should we know about torque wrenches?
A: Everything. Torque Wrenches and even Torque Screwdrivers are critical to people being able to do their job well and tightening to manufacturer tightening specifications so that warranties are maintained Look up National Electrical Code 110.14(D) on torque terminal connections. Cementex offers a wide variety of calibrated precision instruments known as torque wrenches. In August 2023 we introduced some changes, read the complete product offering bulletin that shows all the standard offerings. We can do additional custom presets as well. If you don’t see something in our catalog or price file, please check with customer service.
As a quick highlight, our part numbering convention on a torque wrench will identify drive size (except with torque screwdriver) or working end size, working range of unit whether in Inch-Pounds (In-Lbs) or Foot-Pounds (Ft-Lbs). Here is one of our most common torque wrenches (TWs): 40200TW38I, let’s break it down – the 40-200 is the range and it’s in In-Lbs as it ends with the I and the 38 is indicating that it’s a 3/8″ square drive unit. Another one would be our 30150UTW38I, this unit again is In-Lb ending with the I, but it’s a 30-150 range and with the U in there it’s our compact 3/8″ square drive unit. If the 30150TW38I is ordered they are getting the same In-Lb range of 30-150 but it’s the X-Drive style torque wrench head. We offer dual scale wrenches so they can be read as in either Inch-Pounds/Newton Meters or Foot-Pounds/Newton Meters.
Q: How do my customers keep their Torque Wrenches calibrated?
A: Torque Wrenches shouldn’t be used to break anything open, only to tighten. We have ratchets for opening. Adjustable models (like those with In-Lb or Ft-Lb ranges) should always be stored at their lowest setting after each use without being forced. Each torque wrench requires an annual calibration; without one the warranty is voided from Cementex. We handle annual calibrations on our insulated models only. We recommend that our models be sent back to Cementex to be recalibrated as well as some calibrations labs are unfamiliar how to proceed with insulated versions of torque wrenches. Recalibration is easy to have done; our Torque Wrench Recalibration/Certification Form can always be found on the bottom middle of our website (we prefer using the link directly from the website in case there are any form changes made). This form doubles as a packing slip as well and identifies where to ship the product. Please note that recalibration and recertification of torque wrenches does not have a discount, it’s a flat rate and they also include minor repairs should they be required. Major repair costs are excluded and we reach out to the person on the form with any options and for approvals prior to proceeding with required repairs.
Q: What is X-Drive?
A: No, it’s not like what a BMW has, but it is special and unique to Cementex. The Cementex “X-Drive” system is available on our 3/8″ and 1/2″ square drive ratchets and torque wrenches. It extends the drive of these ratchets to allow for direct connection of insulated sockets; eliminating the requirement of an extension bar, and allowing access to tight places. Refer to our catalog on ratchets and torque wrenches for head dimensional drawings and options that we have for Standard Profile X-Drive, Low Profile X-Drive, Regular Profile Short Drive and Low Profile Short Drive options and more. Be sure to review the Interchangeable Tool Compatibility chart (linked to Resources > Literature section of website) or in the catalog.
Q: What is Flush Connect, Booted, WO Boot, etc.?
A: A Flush Connect socket is one without the standard “Boot” that is incorporated into most Cementex sockets. The “Boot” serves to provide coverage protection to socket / ratchet / torque wrench / extension bar connection points. Flush Connect sockets are designed for use with Cementex Non X-Drive and X-Drive ratchets and torque wrenches as well as other manufacturer’s non-X-Drive ratchets. Flush Connect sockets, when used with an extension bar should utilize a Flared extension bar. All 1/4″ square drive sockets from Cementex are Flush Connect style. Be sure to review the Interchangeable Tool Compatibility chart (linked to Resources > Literature section of website) or in the catalog.
Q: What do I need to know about Cementex’s Insulating Technology?
A: Cementex has spent over 50 years perfecting the insulation of hand tools. We have our own proprietary insulation material that provides the safest, most durable insulation for protection. Painstaking attention to detail is part of the process ensuring every tool is of the highest level quality when it leaves Burlington, NJ. Each tool is individually inspected, tested and guaranteed to be manufactured to the level our customer’s deserve.
Cementex voltage rated insulated hand tools are designed for the qualified professional electrician. Each tool should be inspected prior to each use for cuts, cracks or other damage to the insulation as well any mechanical damage to the tool itself. The tool should be REMOVED from service IF THE YELLOW INSULATION BECOMES VISIBLE THROUGH ORANGE INSULATION. There are 2 layers for a reason – they are contrasting colors of our exclusive insulating material to provide positive identification of the protective value of our tools. Our tools are lasered with the reminder to inspect prior to each use (given there is space on the tool to do so – e.g., screwdrivers yes, but some sockets, no). Our tools are Made in the USA, comply with IEC 60900 standard, comply with ASTM F1505 standard, help workers meet requirements of OSHA Safety Related Work Practices, NFPA 70E and CSA-Z462 and are marked with the international safety symbol (double triangle) 1000V.
Q: How is a composite tool different?
A: Composite technology eliminates 95% of all conductive material and provides drivers that are strong, light-weight, durable and safe. These tools will also comply with IEC 60900 standard, comply with ASTM F1505 standard, help workers meet requirements of OSHA Safety Related Work Practices, NFPA 70E and CSA-Z462 and are marked with the international safety symbol (double triangle) 1000V. While we have screwdrivers and nutdrivers in composite materials we sell far more in our standard double-insulating style which is why we haven’t driven further to create additional composite offerings.
Q: Does Cementex offer Non-Sparking Tools?
A: Yes, Cementex does offer Non-Sparking tools that are completed using our proprietary double-insulating methods. We utilize Made in the USA tools from AMPCO safety metals. These special aluminum-bronze, beryllium-free alloy tools allow for safe use in areas where hazardous, flammable or combustible vapors, liquids, dusts or residue may be present. These items are not typically shown in our catalog or price file due to the volatility in the metal pricing, etc. Please contact customer service should you need a quote or help with insulated non-sparking tools.
Q: How does Cementex go to market?
A: We have long believed in our distribution model that works directly with our manufacturing sales reps. We have distributor programs that offer them the ability to sell our products at a discount and then to invest in our brand and get a deeper discount for inventory and sales. We look to our sales reps to make sure that they are sharing information with our distributors on our offering, sharing our newsletters and product brief and price change notifications as needed. We also try to help build out our distributor network. We participate in a number of trade shows and ask you to come help participate when we are in your territory even when it’s a national event. We provide leads from trade shows. We copy you on quotes that are doing that do not come in from you to do but from the distributor when they are in your territory. We do everything we can to protect the distributor relationship with you. We do have some online web distributors only; we require that all distributors adhere to MAP pricing online.
Q: I am newer or I have been here for a while but I can’t find this part number?
A: Could be that in that “forever or recent history” the part number was changed. Every so often we will make changes to our part nomenclature when we realize that we need to clean something up or make it more clear for our distributors and end-users. We will try to keep a running tally here of the changes, but please note there may be some missed. If you ever have a part number you cannot find, first thing to check is the dash, perhaps it’s in the wrong spot – you will not find TR9-ELK in the digital price file but you will find TR-9ELK. So the spacing will matter. The price file is also sorta alphanumerically first by all items classified as TOOL and then by all items classified as PPE since that is how discounts are applied to products.
Old Cementex Part Number | Current Cementex Part Number |
ND800-CG or what we call the hundred series of Nutdrivers | ND916-CG now we show the sizes in the part number, for a fractional size that is only two numbers it will have a 0 added (e.g., 1/2″ it would be ND120). |
CSTBPK-(SIZE) or CSBPK-(SIZE) | BPK-CSTCAK-(SIZE) or BPK-CSCAK-(SIZE) Flipped order of where BPK so it reflects quickly the storage option prefix that we moved to |
AFS-12HCP | AFS-GHCP This is the new clear lens style option |
AFS-150 Old series with the green lens | AFS-180 The only offering now of our Arc Flash Faceshield and Hard Hat with the clear gray lens |
Lift Front Hoods (LF) Hoods w/Vent (F) We previously referenced a hood with a vent with an F | Lift Front Hood (LF) – Lift Front Hood with Vent (LFV) Moved from F for fan/vent to V for Vent so it’s not confused with F for Lift Front |