Inspection Mirrors

Cementex blazing the path of innovation with its launch of the only fully insulated flexible inspection mirror on the market!

Gone are the days of stiff, rigidity in inspection mirrors. Cementex is leaving that to the rules of OSHA, NFPA 70E and CSA-Z462 rules and regulations; as
the safety tool specialists, we have you covered, literally for all your electrical safety needs.

Our new fully insulated, flexible inspection mirrors come in two lengths. The 12” is the same length as our rigid mirror, but we have also created the new 25” length which insures the safest working conditions in more scenarios.

Just look at how this beauty bends, complete fluid flexibility and absolutely no chance the hinge at the bend could touch any equipment if the collar was not positioned correctly. Cementex has manufactured this style of inspection mirror for years and the qualified electricians utilizing this tool have worked safely, which is why we will continue to offer the units many know and love.

Part Number         Description
IM-225I-F12          2-1/4” Round Inspection Mirror-Fully Insulated & Flexible: 12” Handle OAL
IM-225I-F25          2-1/4” Round Inspection Mirror-Fully Insulated & Flexible: 25” Handle OAL
IM-325I-F12          3-1/4” Round Inspection Mirror-Fully Insulated & Flexible: 12” Handle OAL
IM-325I-F25          3-1/4” Round Inspection Mirror-Fully Insulated & Flexible: 25” Handle OAL
IMR-225I-F12       2-1/4” Rectangular Inspection Mirror-Fully Insulated & Flexible: 12” Handle OAL
IMR-225I-F25       2-1/4” Rectangular Inspection Mirror-Fully Insulated & Flexible: 25” Handle OAL
IM-225I-MC          Replacement Mirror Cover for IM-225I series (included with all new purchases)
IM-325I-MC          Replacement Mirror Cover for IM-325I series (included with all new purchases)
IMR-225I-MC       Replacement Mirror Cover for IMR-225I series (included with all new purchases)